false Many people die from alcohol at a young age. | Rosedale School

Many people die from alcohol at a young age.

Many people die from alcohol at a young age.

This delays not only the development of higher forms of thinking, the development of ethical categories and aesthetic concepts, but also loses the already developed abilities. A teenager called “dumb” is intellectually, emotionally and ethically.

The second “target” of alcohol is the liver. It is here, under the action of enzymes, it is broken down. If the rate of entry of alcohol into the liver cells is higher than the rate of its decomposition, then there is an accumulation of alcohol, which leads to damage to liver cells. Alcohol disrupts the structure of liver cells, leading to the degeneration of its tissues.

With regular alcohol consumption, fatty changes in liver cells lead to necrosis of liver tissue, cirrhosis of the liver develops, a very formidable disease, almost always accompanying chronic alcoholism. The effect of alcohol on the liver of a teenager is even more destructive, because this organ is in the stage of structural and functional formation. Damage to liver cells leads to disruption of protein and carbon metabolism, synthesis of vitamins and enzymes. Alcohol, we can say, “eats” the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach, disrupts the secretion and composition of gastric juice, which complicates the digestive process and, ultimately, adversely affects the growth and development of the adolescent.

Thus, alcohol weakens the body, inhibits the formation and maturation of its organs and systems, and in some cases, such as abuse, and completely stops the development of some functions of the higher nervous system. The younger the body, the more harmful alcohol affects it. In addition, alcohol consumption by adolescents is much faster than in adults, leads to the formation of alcoholism in them.

For the developed capitalist countries of Europe and America, drunkenness and alcoholism have become a national disaster, the main cause of illness and mortality. In terms of mortality, alcoholism with its consequences ranks third after cardiovascular disease and malignant tumors.

In recent decades, there has been an almost universal trend towards an increase in alcohol consumption, primarily due to vodka and vodka products. Increasingly, women, adolescents and young men are being involved in alcohol abuse.

There is a direct relationship between mortality from alcoholism, the amount of alcohol consumption. Half of fatal traffic accidents, homicides and suicides are related to drunkenness and alcoholism. Young people die from sudden death (trauma, cardiac arrest, acute alcohol poisoning), and in old age die from cirrhosis of the liver, cardiovascular disease, alcoholic psychosis, pneumonia, laryngeal and pharyngeal cancer and more.

Alcohol and alcohol bring great moral and material losses to our society. Alcohol abuse reduces labor productivity, loses work skills and qualifications, and declines labor discipline. According to economists, people who drink moderately, productivity is reduced by 4-5%. About half of traffic accidents are related to alcohol consumption. Occupational injuries are more common on Monday (the so-called “hard” day) or in the days after the holidays, when the body’s ability to work has not yet recovered from alcohol intoxication.

With alcoholism, as a rule, a person mentally degrades. Not only health but also human dignity is lost. Many people die from alcohol at a young age. Along with drunkenness, material deprivation comes to the family, on the basis of which quarrels, accusations, and fights begin. Many families break up as a result.

Thus, drunkenness and alcoholism are a problem of global importance, and combating them requires joint efforts https://123helpme.me/write-my-lab-report/. They should be regarded not only as a personal tragedy, but also as a social disaster.

Success in combating alcohol consumption largely depends on the proper upbringing of the younger generation. It is best to bring up a reasonable view of alcohol by your own example. When parents are always sober and do not drink alcohol in the family, children grow up healthy. An example for them is their parents.

The efforts of all members of society, civil society and state organizations should be focused on the problem of drunkenness and alcoholism. Such work will reduce the incidence of alcoholism. In the future it is necessary to raise the question of the final elimination of alcoholism and alcoholism.

Hardly any holiday, family celebration or birthday is complete without a glass of alcohol. The use of wine, beer or vodka is firmly entrenched in the life and traditions of our people. So what is alcohol? Food, drug or poison? In the first, and the second, and the third. After all, the famous aphorism states that drugs and poisons differ only in dose.

Adults from time to time consume small doses of alcohol to relieve emotional stress, improve mood, because ethyl alcohol acts on the nervous system.

If a person has reduced self-control and insufficient level of culture, alcohol consumption may become systemic and the dose of alcohol consumed may be excessive. This causes imaginary complexes of negative consequences. The most typical of them – the formation of alcohol dependence, and then pathological changes in all organs of the human body. This contributes to the development of a serious and dangerous disease – chronic alcoholism. This disease destroys the personality, lowers a person to the “bottom” and leads to death. About 5% of adolescents who start drinking at this age end up in mental hospitals, drug treatment centers, or “on the street.” It is very difficult to break out of this vortex. It is much easier not to get into it. And it depends on the person, on his beliefs, worldview.

In the digestive system, alcohol is rapidly absorbed into the blood and distributed to brain cells. This is manifested by excitement, joyful mood (euphoria, talkativeness, etc.).

A person loses a sense of self-control, shame, becomes brutal and can commit acts that, being sober, would never do.

It has long been noticed that people who have a bad habit of alcohol, more often than others suffer from various colds of the respiratory system, because alcohol weakens the body’s resistance.

It is widely believed that alcohol is useful as an appetite suppressant. Indeed, after drinking alcohol, the secretion of gastric juice increases, and in most cases, appetite improves.

However, this can be observed only at first, until the body is overloaded with alcohol poison. Systemic alcohol consumption leads to the fact that gastric juice, stimulated by alcohol, it irritates the gastric mucosa and leads to gastritis. Simultaneously with the development of gastritis, the function of the pancreas is disturbed, which leads to pancreatitis.

Alcohol abuse also leads to peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, cirrhosis of the liver and other diseases.

The research, which was conducted by a group of scientists led by AV Tsarenko, revealed an alarming trend. By surveying more than 2,000 schoolchildren in Ternopil, it was found that if among adolescents aged 14-15 years periodically consume alcoholic beverages about 30% of respondents, then in 16-17 years, their number increases by 2.7 times and is about 80%.

The results of the analysis of the main reasons for alcohol use by minors show that for most adolescents it is a desire for independence and self-affirmation, following the example of elders (including parents). Tense psychological atmosphere and frequent conflicts in the family. Characteristically, most high school students learned the taste of alcohol in the family, and then the company became a place of alcohol consumption.

Alcohol use and abuse is especially dangerous in childhood, adolescence, when the formation of the body has not yet been completed, during this period the liver lacks a special enzyme – alcohol – drydogenase, which breaks down ethyl alcohol into simple non-toxic compounds. That is why the consumption of even a small amount of alcohol by a child can lead to very dangerous consequences.

In the body of a person who consumes alcohol from an early age, alcohol dependence is formed much faster. After studying the biographies of several hundred patients who were being treated for alcoholism, the researchers found. Most of them started drinking alcohol at the age of 12-18. They were treated only in 25-35, with severe lesions of the central nervous system and internal organs, mental disorders, in a state of severe social degradation.

Acute alcohol poisoning is extremely dangerous. Drinking large amounts of alcohol initially causes deep alcohol sleep, and each can lead to the development of heart failure, even paralysis of the heart muscle and breathing. Cases of sudden death among alcoholics are very common.

Thus, the main danger of alcohol consumption and abuse, especially in adolescence and adolescence, is the emergence of alcohol dependence, which gradually turns into a serious disease – alcoholism – and manifests itself in the irreversible damage to the ONS and all organs and systems. Alcoholics become indifferent to work, family, children, pushing aside the niches of human life,

Thus, a person who is unable to say “no” to alcohol abuse is on a path that can lead to the degradation of physical, moral, spiritual, social and, ultimately, death.

Alcohol “beats” the fact that not only he drinks, but also the people around him. Often men or women prone to alcoholism neglect their responsibilities, friends, family and children in order to meet their needs. Addiction to alcohol is the cause of various crimes. It is known that 50 percent of all crimes are related to alcohol consumption.

Children often pay for their parents’ alcoholism. Studies of mentally ill children have shown that the cause of their illness is often parental alcoholism. The fight against alcoholism is the biggest social and medical problem of any state. The harm of alcohol has been proven. Even small doses can cause great sorrow or unhappiness: injuries, car accidents, disability, family breakdown, loss of spiritual needs and willpower.


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