false Rosedale School

Welcome to Rosedale School !

Rosedale School provides an educational service for students aged 6 to 18 years with severe and profound learning disabilities in Galway City.

A partnership model of education operates in the school, between the Department of Education and Skills and the Brothers of Charity Services since 1998.

The Principal, Team Manager and School Board of Management are responsible for the management of the school and are committed to providing a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum to meet student’s needs.

A high staff/student ratio greatly facilitates each student’s learning experience. Each student has an ‘Individual Education Plan’ formulated based on their present abilities and learning objectives.

We aim to provide students with the opportunities to access a broad and balanced curriculum suited to each student’s needs. The NCCA draft guidelines are adhered to in the school.  Weekly programmes may include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, music, art, computer and iPad access and interaction, hand function activities, feeding programmes, multi-sensory stimulation, atmospherics, hydrotherapy, swimming, aromatherapy, personal developments and social outings.

For further information or to arrange a visit please contact:

 Breda O’Connell, School Principal   091 779600 Debbie O’Toole, Team Manager   091 779600

Patron: Most Rev. Dr Michael Duignan
    Trustees:  Brothers of Charity Incorporated Limited

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