false Friends of Rosedale | Rosedale School

Friends of Rosedale

We are very fortunate to have received donations and support  throughout the years from families, friends and local businesses and clubs.

While we may be unable to thank each individual your support is deeply appreciated.

Covidien and Medtronic have been of huge assistance in refurbishing classrooms, painting a portacabin and have donated funds for further refurbishment.  Covidien have also come on board with our mobile phone appeal and regularly donate unwanted mobile phones to the school.

SAP have donated funds for art supplies and an interactive screen.  A volunteer art teacher also visited the school for a number of weeks.

Boston Scientific Galway have named Rosedale School as one of their charity partners for this coming year 2020. They are organising a number of fundraising events during the year

St. Columbas Credit Union have provided us with huge support over the years-our students relish taking part in their yearly art competition.

Other friends include: