false Rosedale Girls Day | Rosedale School

Rosedale Girls Day

The Rosedale Girls Day has been running successfully for the past number of years.  The Training Room each year is transformed into a beauty emporium for all the girls.  We also extend invites to our past students in Four Seasons and to the Aishling Centre.  A wide variety of beauty treatments including a hair dressing and styling section, manicures and hand massages, pedicures and foot-spas are enjoyed by the students.   With many brightly coloured nails and glamourous hair styles the students leave very happy.  We have soft music playing in the background supplied by volunteers from a local school.  Due to the kind generosity of parents and friends donating gift sets and beauty products each girl takes one set home at the end of the day.  Refreshments of drinks and valentine cupcakes and chocolates are also enjoyed on the day.  A great time is had by each student and staff every year.