false Fun Day | Rosedale School

Fun Day

A Fun Day is organized at the end of every school year.

Last year it was related to the football World Cup in Brazil.

Every classroom represented a country who was playing in the World Cup competition. There was great excitement coming up to the events-preparations included familiarizing the students with a world cup song and dance for their country, flags and banners were made in art classes and the team kit was decided upon-looking the part was very important!

On the day a parade took place in the playground-each team lined up in order and performed their routine to the music of their country. We paraded for a short distance outside the school along the main road-it was a hugely colourful event we received lots of cheers from passers-by.

The competitions began and there was great rivalry between the classes! A variety of sporting events suited to our students took place-the main event involved an adapted football game-the games were organized on a league basis. The final involved the students and staff from Little Oaks who were representing France, playing against the students and staff from Rainbows End who were representing Brazil.  France won out (although somewhat controversially according to members of the Brazilian team!!)

Having fun was the main focus of the day and this was certainly achieved.

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    Rosedale School, Woodlands Centre,

    Renmore, Galway

    Tel: (091) 779600

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    W: www.rosedaleschool.ie

    E: rosedaleschool@bocsi.ie

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